Maison De Hanouf

We, at Maison De Hanouf, constantly use two key terms to explain to people who we are, what we do, and why we do it. First, our definition of the term “Ethical living” extends to being mindful of others (the environment, other human beings, and animal welfare) when making life decisions and consumer choices. Another term that we continuously promote is “Mindful Consumption”. This term means that people become more aware of their purchasing power towards organizations and businesses. As a result, consumers become more mindful about the products or services they consume every day.
Ultimately, we want people to become more aware and realize that every time they buy a product or service, they vote and shape the world they want to live in. At Maison De Hanouf, we constantly seek to develop business concepts and brands designed to help people become mindful about their consumption patterns and their impact on the environment. Ultimately, we seek to design and develop products and services to help environmentalists adopt a socioeconomically balanced lifestyle where consumption patterns do not harm the ecosystem but rather create adaptable everyday practices.

"Our mission is to develop a higher form of brands and business concepts that produce ethically conscious products for mindful consumers and businesses to start adopting conscious practices"
"Our vision is to become the pivot of socioeconomic change towards a more balanced ecosystem"